Thursday, April 30, 2009

It was a good day to be a duck.

Though yesterday was a fine dry day, in the morning we had to fulfill some large plant orders -- over three thousand units.  The crew didn't get out in the fields to plant most of the onions until later in the day.

This morning, as we prepared to plant the last bed and a half, the rain started, gently at first, then more steadily. The sky thundered a couple of times, but not close enough to send us for cover. We put on our rain gear and kept planting, which was fine. If I can stay dry, I don't mind being in the rain. (But, once I'm wet, I get cranky fast.) It's a quiet and peaceful way to work. Just as we finished the last bed, the rain really started to come down, ending the fieldwork for the day.

Michael had been gone much of the morning running errands, and, when he returned at lunchtime, he brought with him a cardboard box of ducklings. Tractor Supply Company was running a clearance sale, two bucks a duck. He figured that, since we were already set up for chickens, adding a few ducks to the poultry mix wouldn't be much more work. He bought six.

They're lively, inquisitive little things. At the end of the day, we let them out for a while to explore the wet world. They took to it ... well, like a duck takes to water.